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A living room organized with Tranquil Transitions Tranquility Packages for Comprehensive Decluttering Services in the Howard County, MD area.
A White Desk organized with Tranquil Transitions Tranquility Packages for Comprehensive Decluttering Services in the Howard County, MD area.

Tranquility Packages: Comprehensive Decluttering Services

Find the home organizing and decluttering service package to transform disorganization into tranquility. Tranquil Transitions designed these personalized services to focus on specific pain points experienced by our busy clients.

The Tranquility Package

Consider a half-day or full-day session to tackle the most cluttered and chaotic areas in your living space.  Contact Tranquil Transitions for a free 15-minute phone or virtual consultation to discuss your goals, timeline, and scope of project to determine if a Tranquility Package is the best option for you.

A modern living room organized with Tranquil Transitions Tranquility Packages for Comprehensive Decluttering Services in the Howard County, MD area.
  • A half day (4 hours) or full day (8 hours) of consecutive time dedicated to focusing on achieving your goals in the area in which you choose.

  • Hands-on support with sorting, decluttering, and organization 

    • What do I keep, sell, or donate?

  • Organize items into labeled boxes or other designated storage 

  • Unpack and organize items

  • Schedule pick-up from charity of choice and/or coordinate free bulk trash removal (where available)

  • Provide options to sell your items, donate to the charity of your choice, or dispose responsibly of your unwanted items.

    • Discussion of next steps for success

    • Helpful hints and resources for continuation of achieving your goals.

    • Additional supplies and services can be provided at the client’s request.

    • Maintenance Plans available

This package includes:
A office workspace organized with Tranquil Transition's Workspace Wonders Tranquility Package in the Howard County, MD area.

The Workspace Wonders Office Tranquility Package

When the office is drowning in piles of paper and productivity grinds to a halt, take back the room with our Workspace Wonders Office Tranquility Package.

This package includes:
Paper Management

We sort through piles of paperwork and file or shred documents that are no longer needed per FTC guidelines. Tranquil Transitions creates a filing system for important documents to keep them organized and easily accessible.

Photo Management

We sort through photos, remove photos from frames or albums, organize them, and determine next steps for digitizing or better storage solutions.  Photo management helps individuals to better manage their photo collections, preserve memories, and make the most of their photography assets.

Office Supply Organization

The team evaluates office supplies such as pens, pencils, notepads, and staplers. We discard dried-out pens, broken pencils, and any supplies that are no longer functional. Organize remaining supplies in designated storage areas.

Outdated Electronics Recycling and Disposal

We dispose of outdated or non-functional electronics such as old computers, printers, or cables. We also recycle electronic devices responsibly and advise clients about upgrading to more efficient equipment if necessary.

Dispose of Unused or Broken Furniture

Tranquil Transitions assesses furniture items such as chairs, desks, and filing cabinets. We remove any broken or unused furniture and consider rearranging the layout to optimize space and workflow.

Mitigate Excess Decorations

We declutter excessive decorations or personal items that contribute to visual clutter in the office. We keep only the decorations that enhance the workspace and reflect the company's brand or culture.

Discard Obsolete Office Equipment

Identify and remove obsolete office equipment or machinery that is no longer in use. Clearing out outdated equipment creates more space and reduces clutter in the office.

Streamline Unnecessary Office Supplies

We eliminate duplicates or excess items and keep only the supplies that are regularly used. These items are stored in an organized manner to prevent clutter.

Store or Discard Old or Unused Files

Review file cabinets and storage boxes for old or unused files. Archive or shred documents that are no longer relevant to free up space and maintain an efficient filing system.

The Tranquilty Package
Workspace Tranquility
Kids clothes folded and organized with Tranquil Transition's KidSpace Cleanse or Playroom Purge Tranquility Package in the Howard County, MD area.

KidSpace Cleanse or Playroom Purge Tranquility Package

KidSpace Tranquility

By decluttering these items regularly, you can create a more organized and functional space for your child to enjoy.

This package declutters:
Outgrown Clothing

Sort through clothing items that no longer fit your child. Donate, sell or pass on gently used clothes to someone who can use them.

Broken or Unused Toys:

Discard broken toys or those that your child no longer plays with. Donate toys that are still in good condition but no longer hold your child's interest.

Excess Toys

Reduce clutter by limiting the number of toys in your child's room. Encourage your child to select their favorite toys and donate the rest to declutter the space.

Old Books and Magazines

Remove outdated or unused books and magazines from shelves. Donate books your child has outgrown or those they're no longer interested in.

Unused Furniture

Evaluate if any furniture pieces are taking up unnecessary space or no longer serve a purpose. Consider removing or repurposing furniture to maximize space.

Broken or Unused Electronics

Dispose of broken or unused electronic devices or accessories that are taking up space. Properly recycle electronic items to reduce environmental impact.

Expired or Unused Art Supplies

Check art supplies for expiration dates and discard any expired items. Donate art supplies that your child no longer uses or needs.

Unnecessary Decorations

Remove excessive decorations or wall art that contribute to clutter. Keep only the decorations that hold sentimental value or enhance the room's aesthetics.

Kids Bedroom organized with Tranquil Transition's KidSpace Cleanse or Playroom Purge Tranquility Package in the Howard County, MD area.
Kids playroom organized with Tranquil Transition's KidSpace Cleanse or Playroom Purge Tranquility Package in the Howard County, MD area.
  • Unused or Broken Storage Containers: Evaluate storage containers and bins for functionality. Discard broken or unused containers.

  • Outdated School Supplies: Sort through school supplies and remove any outdated or unused items. Organize remaining supplies neatly to create a functional workspace.

  • Excessive Bedding and Linens: Declutter bedding and linens by removing excess or worn-out items. Donate extra bedding sets or linens that your child no longer needs.

  • Expired or Unused Toiletries: Check toiletries and personal care items for expiration dates. Dispose of expired or unused items to free up space in the bathroom or bedroom.

  • Child’s Artwork:  Preserve their artwork while keeping your home organized and clutter-free.

Serene Sanctuary: The Tranquility Package for Bedrooms

Decluttering your primary bedroom can create a serene and relaxing environment conducive to rest and rejuvenation. This package offers the following decluttering and organizing services:

A Bedroom organized with Tranquil Transition's Serene Sanctuary Tranquility Package for Bedrooms in the Howard County, MD area.

Empty out surfaces: Tranquil Transitions clears nightstands, dressers, vanities, and any other surfaces in the bedroom. We remove everything so you can start with a clean slate. As we clear surfaces, we sort items into categories such as:

  • Keep: Items you use regularly and want to keep in your bedroom.

  • Donate/Sell: Items that are in good condition but you no longer need or use.

  • Trash: Items that are broken, expired, or no longer usable.

Bedroom Tranquility

Declutter clothing: We audit your clothing items, including those in the closet, dresser, and any other storage areas. We ask you if you have worn each item in the past year and if it still fits and flatters you. Tranquil Transitions donates or sells items that no longer serve you.


Organize storage spaces: This involves utilizing storage solutions such as drawer dividers, bins, baskets, and closet organizers to keep clothing, accessories, and other items neatly stored and easily accessible.


Address paper clutter: We assess paper clutter such as mail, magazines, or paperwork that has accumulated in the bedroom and create a system for managing incoming mail and papers to prevent future clutter.

A Bedroom organized with Tranquil Transition's Serene Sanctuary Tranquility Package for Bedrooms in the Howard County, MD area.
Bathroom Supplies organized with Tranquil Transition's Serene Sanctuary Tranquility Package for Bedrooms in the Howard County, MD area.

Declutter personal items: We help clients evaluate personal items such as books, electronics, décor, skincare products, makeup, hair tools, and toiletries. We keep items that bring you joy or serve a purpose, and consider donating or selling those that no longer resonate with you.  


  • Memory Preservation: Provide suggestions for what to do with treasured memories like your wedding dress, veil, bouquet, and photos.

  • Reorganize and decorate: Once you've decluttered and cleaned, we reorganize your belongings in a way that maximizes space and promotes a sense of calm. Consider adding decorative touches such as candles, plants, or artwork to enhance the ambiance of the room.

blue chevrolet camaro on road during day

The Vehicle Tranquility Package Creates Clutter-Free Cars

Vehicle Tranquility

The average American spends approximately 1 to 1.5 hours per day driving and commuting to and from work, running errands, and other daily travel activities.  Why not bring tranquility to your car by removing the clutter?  Clearing space and organization provides protection for your car and improves the usable space in your home.

A Bgarage organized with Tranquil Transition's Vehicle Tranquility Package for creating clutter-free cars in the Howard County, MD area.
Our Vehicle Tranquility Package Offers:
  • Hands-on help with car and trunk decluttering.

  • Optional Service: Arrange to have your car detailed while decluttering your future parking space in your garage. 

  • Hands-on support to identify items to keep, donate, or dispose of in garage.

  • Work systematically through different areas of the garage, such as shelves, cabinets, workbenches, and the floor. Remove any items that don't belong in the garage and return them to their proper place in your home.

  • Identify options to dispose properly of household hazardous waste like old paint, and excess or expired chemicals  

  • Donate or sell unused tools, outgrown or unused sports equipment, furniture, unused building materials, or unwanted seasonal decorations.

The Kitchen Tranquility Package Is a Culinary Chaos Cleanse

Decluttering your pantry and kitchen involves removing items that are expired, unused, or unnecessary, which can help create more space and make it easier to find what you need.

This package helps homeowners address and manage clutter related to:

This package includes:
  • Expired food items: We check expiration dates on all food products and dispose of anything past its expiration date.

  • Unused gadgets and appliances: If you have kitchen gadgets or appliances that you rarely or never use, consider donating or selling them.

  • Duplicate items: We remove duplicates of spices, condiments, or other pantry staples.

  • Half-empty containers: Consolidate partially used bags or containers of ingredients to free up space.

  • Stale or expired spices: Spices lose their potency over time, so discard any that are stale or past their expiration date.

  • Unidentifiable items: If you have items in your pantry or freezer that you can't identify or don't remember buying, it's probably time to let them go.

  • Bulk items: Evaluate bulk purchases and consider if you're realistically going to use all of the quantity purchased before it expires.

  • Broken or unused kitchenware: Remove any broken or unused pots, pans, utensils, or dishes taking up space.

  • Non-food items: Keep non-food items out of the pantry, such as cleaning supplies, pet food, or gardening tools.

  • Unhealthy snacks: If you're trying to eat healthier, consider removing snacks high in sugar, salt, or unhealthy fats.

  • Packaging clutter: Remove excessive packaging or boxes that take up unnecessary space.

  • Outdated food storage containers: Discard containers with missing lids, cracks, or stains.

  • Unused cookbooks or recipe cards: If you have cookbooks or recipe cards you never use, consider donating them.

  • Unwanted or expired coupons: Dispose of expired coupons cluttering your kitchen drawers.

  • Miscellaneous clutter: Declutter miscellaneous items like paper bags, twist ties, or rubber bands that accumulate over time.

A Kitchen organized with Tranquil Transition's Kitchen Tranquility Package for cleansing culinary chaos in the Howard County, MD area.
Kitchen Tranquility
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